Life Spark Sport Fishing Tackle

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Asian Carp a real problem, can I help?

Silver Carp invasion of the U.S. Rivers

The Big Head and Silver Carp invasion of the U.S. Rivers is not slowing down. As a Canadian I’m worried for our rivers and Lakes, it seems there is no stopping them.

Since these fish are plankton feeders and won’t respond to traditional fishing tackle of any kind. The only way they can be collected by rod and reel is the use of a gaff hook. This requires a heavy rod and reel and a lot of effort to rip the leaded treble hook through the water with intent of snagging a fish. Not exactly the perfect days outing for the family.

I think with the help of a handful of volunteers I can fine tune an Electron Fish Attractor that will put both species on the hook. It would be light line bobber fishing using a small hook.  Great for kid’s tournaments and quality family time while doing something good for the environment.

Both species are great tasting I’ve been told but bony. The best way to eat them is to fillet and skin them. Then grind them, bones and all. Now you can make fish balls and patties that freeze well.

I am going to do some research and see if I can round up some volunteers in the U.S. to help me. The big question is will the American anglers want to fish for them?