Life Spark Sport Fishing Tackle

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Finally! Proof of Magneto-reception in Fish. Cells containing Magnetite found in Rainbow Trout.

Scientists have accepted the theory that migratory species of birds, fish, turtles and mammals are sensitive to the earth’s magnetic field, but this is the first time the precise cell with Magneto-Sensitivity has been located.

A research team at Munich’s Ludwig Max Millions University studied cells from the Olfactory Gland of a Rainbow Trout under a microscope.

A magnet rotated under the microscope stage revealed several cells that were moving with the magnet. These cells were individually studied and found to contain Magnetite, the most magnetic substance on earth.

This is great proof for us and reinforces what we have been theorizing for decades. I can’t see this discovery just involving Rainbow Trout, one could speculate that all members of the trout, char and salmon families of fish could have Magnetite present in their olfactory tissue as well.

This could also hold true for other related species with an adipose fin like Catfish, Piranha, Golden Dorado, Pacu, Tiger fish, White Fish and Grayling. We know these fish are extremely Electroreceptive by of their response to the Electron Fish Attractor Fresh Water 1 low or high TDS.

This discovery in trout could explain how salmon find their way back to their maternal streams from thousands of miles away. To do this they must be able to sense north and south as well as longitude, kind of like a built in GPS.

I won’t be surprised if some day they find magnetite in all fish to some degree. I say this because of fish behaviour I noticed while observing bait fish (Great Lake Shiners) held captive in a stainless steel and glass tank awaiting sale at a bait wholesaler.

Thousands of fish were evenly dispersed in the tank but when a magnet was placed on the steel to hold an order form all the fish reacted instantly by balling up in the opposite end of the tank.  Was this reaction due to the magnetic force or the negative ions created by it, or both? Maybe someday we will find the answer.

Rick Crozier